Archive for April, 2013

I should be sleeping

Monday, April 29th, 2013

I should be sleeping now, resting before the start of the work week.  But I am not, for I am on puke and poop watch.

I dont have kids but I can only begin to imagine what its like to worry about them when they are sick for I am worrying about my sick cat.  right now my kitty is the feline version of bellagio fountain, but with puke and not water.  she has also not had a BM for 24 hours.

now this is nothing new and happens at least once a year since the melamine tainted pet food of ’07.  there will be a vet appointment first thing in the morning.  there will be screaming, from me from kitties many tiny retractable knifes as the the fuzzy bundle of joy gets put into the pet carrier.

for whats it worth I know she will be OK, but I lay awake listing for puking wishing she was all right and I could get some sleep.

Work Work

Friday, April 12th, 2013

Don’t get me wrong, I love my job, I love my career path but when I get home I do not want to work on work like things.

I have been “into” computers pretty much my whole life. After a couple, or three, career starts I fell in to the world of IT work and have not looked back for over all most 17 years.  Heck, I have spent 10 of that with basically one company (Still standing after a few mergers).  I have worked full time and ran a few side IT consulting businesses during my time in the IT world.  I cut my teeth on Apple products as a youth and moved to windows as a hobby that fueled my start working Helpdesk to administrating different flavors of unix and linux boxes.

Being that I work in IT, love  IT, I do not want to spend my Friday night rebuilding me media server RAID.  It should just work, it needs to just work.  My down time should be spent tinkering on my motorbike, upgrading my Prius or just harassing the cat.

Why you no work RAID?  I don’t want to deal with you when I am home.

Oh well, as this rebuilds I guess I will go play a video game.

I just may ship my pants!

Friday, April 12th, 2013

I know its an add for crap-mart, it still made me giggle though.

Spam and Spammers, oh my.

Sunday, April 7th, 2013

Funny part is this, I just use this domain for email.  I only have the blog up as a toy, something stupid to play with.  Only people I ever expect here are ones that stumble across it or see my email domain and thus curiosity gets the better of them.

But alas the spammers have found me and started to robo-post shit comments to my pointless post.  I’s sure this one will start to receive its fare share in no time.

Any who, I have comments routed to a black hole.  I have no intention of ever approving your spam let alone ever reading it.  It’s sad the net has come to crap like this, spamming comments on blogs, forums, video sites and such.

Enough on this subject.