Archive for the ‘Posted by: (MAB) OhMy’ Category

Happy New Year!

Saturday, March 15th, 2014

Happy New Year!  2014 is going to be such a great and wonderful year.  I can not wait, I have such wonderful things planed for this blog this year.

oh, yeah, its mid March.  wow, not sure what has seen less action in the past 6 months, this blog or my dating life.

any who, i’m still going to try to post more this year.

My kind of thinking. ;)

Monday, September 2nd, 2013

You’ve all handled my ass pennies!


Time travel

Wednesday, August 28th, 2013

I have always been a sucker for time travel stories.  I even put up with some pretty bad ones.  Maybe its growing up getting only a few over the air broadcast stations including PBS.  I found Dr. Who on PBS well before I ever knew what Star Trek was and have been a fan for 30+ years.

any who, I found this clever short the other day thats a fun play on time travel kill Hitler trope.

I made a QR code.

Sunday, August 4th, 2013


Kind of pointless to use once you are already on the site. 😉

Basically I was thinking at some point I want to make a page for my pets, make a QR code for it and then put the code on their tags.  The idea being that if lost and someone finds them, they scan the code and get all the info they need and then some to ensure the critter makes their way home.

Now to turn on my non-evil anus URL, make a page and ensure hosting is paid up for the next 10 years now that I got the simple basic QR code idea down.

Reading binge

Sunday, June 2nd, 2013

Over the last couple of years I have been on a reading binge.  Over the last few months I have been peeking my reading.  Ok, reading is a lose term being I have been reading physical books, ebooks and listing to audio books.

I use to read a lot when i was young.  For one it was an escape from the crapy life I was living as I grew up.  We did not have cable or satellite TV and only had a few over the air channels to watch (on a good day with no storms) so I escaped into a lot of books.  I read a lot of falsity, sic-fi and crime drama books.  As I learned later in life, most were way over my heard.  I never read simple hardy boys books and such for my age group.

My collage years and into adult hood I stopped reading for fun.  From about 18 to 38 I think I read all of about 10 books, most of were very bad and un-rememberable other then the Harry Potter books (that I started before they got bing and full of them selfs).  It was the coming of the iPad that I started to read again, not that I am trying to sell them.  I just happened to get one and picked up a ebook and haven’t looked back.

So far in the last two years I have gotten through a nice pile of stuff I have read in the past that I wanted to re-read as well as new stuff.  So far I have read/listened (audio books make long drives enjoyable) to:

  • Hunger Games trilogy 
  • The Hobbit
  • Lord of the Rings trilogy
  • The Silmarillion
  • Old Man’s War
  • The Ghost Brigades
  • The Last Colony
  • Ender’s Game
  • The Forever War
  • Starship Troopers
  • Snow Crash

On top of that I am currently in the middle of and hope to finish soon:

  • Good Omens
  • The Color of Magic

I know, that is not an impressive list, but its a start in my book.  Between work life and hobbies its a good start.  I plan to keep on going, powering through old, classic and new books.  Mostly sci-fi and fantasy and such, being that is my taste. no 50 shades of gray for me.

UPDATE: 8/4/2013.  I came across the audio book for Dune as something to help pass the time for jury duty (waiting to get picked to a jury).  have not been able to put it down and cant wait to pick up the next book the Dune world.


I should be sleeping

Monday, April 29th, 2013

I should be sleeping now, resting before the start of the work week.  But I am not, for I am on puke and poop watch.

I dont have kids but I can only begin to imagine what its like to worry about them when they are sick for I am worrying about my sick cat.  right now my kitty is the feline version of bellagio fountain, but with puke and not water.  she has also not had a BM for 24 hours.

now this is nothing new and happens at least once a year since the melamine tainted pet food of ’07.  there will be a vet appointment first thing in the morning.  there will be screaming, from me from kitties many tiny retractable knifes as the the fuzzy bundle of joy gets put into the pet carrier.

for whats it worth I know she will be OK, but I lay awake listing for puking wishing she was all right and I could get some sleep.

Work Work

Friday, April 12th, 2013

Don’t get me wrong, I love my job, I love my career path but when I get home I do not want to work on work like things.

I have been “into” computers pretty much my whole life. After a couple, or three, career starts I fell in to the world of IT work and have not looked back for over all most 17 years.  Heck, I have spent 10 of that with basically one company (Still standing after a few mergers).  I have worked full time and ran a few side IT consulting businesses during my time in the IT world.  I cut my teeth on Apple products as a youth and moved to windows as a hobby that fueled my start working Helpdesk to administrating different flavors of unix and linux boxes.

Being that I work in IT, love  IT, I do not want to spend my Friday night rebuilding me media server RAID.  It should just work, it needs to just work.  My down time should be spent tinkering on my motorbike, upgrading my Prius or just harassing the cat.

Why you no work RAID?  I don’t want to deal with you when I am home.

Oh well, as this rebuilds I guess I will go play a video game.

I just may ship my pants!

Friday, April 12th, 2013

I know its an add for crap-mart, it still made me giggle though.

Spam and Spammers, oh my.

Sunday, April 7th, 2013

Funny part is this, I just use this domain for email.  I only have the blog up as a toy, something stupid to play with.  Only people I ever expect here are ones that stumble across it or see my email domain and thus curiosity gets the better of them.

But alas the spammers have found me and started to robo-post shit comments to my pointless post.  I’s sure this one will start to receive its fare share in no time.

Any who, I have comments routed to a black hole.  I have no intention of ever approving your spam let alone ever reading it.  It’s sad the net has come to crap like this, spamming comments on blogs, forums, video sites and such.

Enough on this subject.

Post number two

Tuesday, March 26th, 2013

and what blog would not be compleat without “My Anus is bleeding” video.  Warning, this is a mostly work safe section of the Rejected cartoon by Don Hertzfeldt.  Mostly.