Archive for the ‘Sci-Fi’ Category

Time travel

Wednesday, August 28th, 2013

I have always been a sucker for time travel stories.  I even put up with some pretty bad ones.  Maybe its growing up getting only a few over the air broadcast stations including PBS.  I found Dr. Who on PBS well before I ever knew what Star Trek was and have been a fan for 30+ years.

any who, I found this clever short the other day thats a fun play on time travel kill Hitler trope.

Reading binge

Sunday, June 2nd, 2013

Over the last couple of years I have been on a reading binge.  Over the last few months I have been peeking my reading.  Ok, reading is a lose term being I have been reading physical books, ebooks and listing to audio books.

I use to read a lot when i was young.  For one it was an escape from the crapy life I was living as I grew up.  We did not have cable or satellite TV and only had a few over the air channels to watch (on a good day with no storms) so I escaped into a lot of books.  I read a lot of falsity, sic-fi and crime drama books.  As I learned later in life, most were way over my heard.  I never read simple hardy boys books and such for my age group.

My collage years and into adult hood I stopped reading for fun.  From about 18 to 38 I think I read all of about 10 books, most of were very bad and un-rememberable other then the Harry Potter books (that I started before they got bing and full of them selfs).  It was the coming of the iPad that I started to read again, not that I am trying to sell them.  I just happened to get one and picked up a ebook and haven’t looked back.

So far in the last two years I have gotten through a nice pile of stuff I have read in the past that I wanted to re-read as well as new stuff.  So far I have read/listened (audio books make long drives enjoyable) to:

  • Hunger Games trilogy 
  • The Hobbit
  • Lord of the Rings trilogy
  • The Silmarillion
  • Old Man’s War
  • The Ghost Brigades
  • The Last Colony
  • Ender’s Game
  • The Forever War
  • Starship Troopers
  • Snow Crash

On top of that I am currently in the middle of and hope to finish soon:

  • Good Omens
  • The Color of Magic

I know, that is not an impressive list, but its a start in my book.  Between work life and hobbies its a good start.  I plan to keep on going, powering through old, classic and new books.  Mostly sci-fi and fantasy and such, being that is my taste. no 50 shades of gray for me.

UPDATE: 8/4/2013.  I came across the audio book for Dune as something to help pass the time for jury duty (waiting to get picked to a jury).  have not been able to put it down and cant wait to pick up the next book the Dune world.
